In the baklava sector, which he entered in 1990 as an apprentice,
After the mastery period of quality and taste always kept on the front,
In his own 15m2 shop, the sector entered with a new brand.
MUSTAFA GÜLOĞLU BAKLAVALARI became one of the known brands
in Antalya in a short time.
Starting from 2010, with a 200m2 central branch and a 150m2 factory
we are serving in Konyaalti.
All the raw materials of our products, which are completely handmade, suitable for the Turkish Food Codex, which hygiene conditions are provided at the highest level, are natural and brought from Antep specially.
We started with 2 people and we continue with 15 people.
We add new flavors to the sweet sector in Antalya.
We are known that not only Konyaaltı but also known in all of the Antalya region and the surrounding provinces.
Mustafa Güloğlu Baklavaları is known in many foreign countries, especially in Russia, Germany and Switzerland.
08:30 - 23:59
ORDER 0 242 259 59 86
Our flavor prepared for you by our skilled craftsmen.
Our baklava production is daily and fresh products are sold every day.